个人认为假如你有阅读完 附件A:马来西亚前往新加坡,才来阅读附件 B:新加坡前往马来西亚会比较容易明白这篇文章中提到的要求。这篇文章中的咨询是通过收集各大资料以个人理解简单翻译。
旅客希望通过新马航空疫苗接种者旅游走廊 Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL – Air)入境马来西亚者,在出发前往马来西亚前必须完成以下要求。每个细节我都会在后面详细向大家解释。
- 购买VTL航班(短期或白卡旅客强制性购买往返航班)
- 购买旅游保险(短期或白卡旅客属于强制性)
- 预订KLIA机场 PCR Swab Test
- 出发前2天内PCR Swab Test
- Mysejahtera 应用程序
附件 B:从新加坡到马来西亚的旅行要求
1. 符合条件的旅客 Eligible Travellers
1.1 符合条件的旅客将是新加坡所有国籍的人,他们希望出于各种旅行目的前往马来西亚。
Eligible travellers will be persons of all nationalities in Singapore who would like to travel to Malaysia for all purposes of travel.
1.1.1 符合条件的旅行者必须完成马来西亚卫生部认可的 COVID-19 疫苗的完整方案。完整的 COVID-19 疫苗方案意味着旅行者已接受所需数量的剂量以提供完整的疫苗保护,包括接种可预防 COVID-19 的剂量后所需的时间.
1.1.1 Eligible travellers must have completed a full regimen of a COVID-19 vaccine recognised by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia. A full regimen of a COVID-19 vaccine means the traveller has received the required number of dose(s) to provide the full vaccine protection, inclusive of the time needed following the administration of the dose(s) to be protected against COVID-19.
1.1.2 马来西亚将承认已完成世界卫生组织紧急使用清单批准或严格监管机构批准的 COVID-19 疫苗完整方案的旅行者,包括已接受不同剂量疫苗品牌的旅行者。
1.1.2 Malaysia will recognise travellers who have completed the full regimen of COVID-19 vaccines approved under the World Health Organization’s Emergency Use Listing or approved by a stringent regulatory authority, including those who have received different vaccine brands for their respective doses.
1.1.3 12 岁以下的儿童将有资格根据 VTL 旅行而无需出示疫苗接种证明。孩子的年龄将基于他们的出生日期。儿童必须由符合进入马来西亚的所有 VTL 要求的 VTL 旅客陪同。
1.1.3 Children aged below 12 years will qualify for travel under the VTL without the need to show proof of vaccination. The age of the child will be based on their date of birth. The child must be accompanied by a VTL traveller who meets all the VTL requirements for entry into Malaysia.
** 1.1.3 后面加强解释
2 指定航班服务 Designated Flight Services
2.1 通过疫苗接种路线 (VTL) 抵达马来西亚的旅客必须乘坐马来西亚和新加坡之间经马来西亚民航局 (CAAM) 和马来西亚航空委员会 (MAVCOM) 批准的直飞指定服务,由其中任何一个运营马来西亚或新加坡航空公司。这些指定的航班服务不允许转机/过境旅客。
2.1 Travellers arriving in Malaysia under the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) must travel on non-stop designated services between Malaysia and Singapore which are approved by the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) and the Malaysian Aviation Commission (MAVCOM), operated by either Malaysia or Singapore air carriers. Transfer/transit passengers will not be allowed on these designated flight services.
3 已接种疫苗的车道 (VTL) 申请 Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) Application
3.1 已完全接种疫苗的旅客不需要申请任何VTL入境批准即可前往马来西亚
3.1 Fully vaccinated travellers do not need to apply for travel to Malaysia under the VTL.
3.2 VTL的入境申请批准在抵达吉隆坡国际机场(KLIA)时进行相关申请。
3.2 Entry facilities for VTL will be processed upon arrival.
4 新加坡出发前要求 Pre-departure Requirements in Singapore
4.1 在前往马来西亚之前,从新加坡出发的VTL旅客必须:
Prior to departing for Malaysia, VTL travellers travelling from Singapore must:
4.1.1 在前往马来西亚前的最后连续 14 天内留在新加坡和/或马来西亚;
4.1.1 Remain in Singapore and/or Malaysia in the last 14 consecutive days before departing for Malaysia;
4.1.2 Undergo a COVID-19 RT-PCR test within 2 days before departure for Malaysia, at an internationally accredited or recognised laboratory, clinic, or medical facility recognised by the Singapore Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Health of Malaysia, and be tested negative. A pre-departure or on-arrival RT-PCR negative test result can be accepted for one or more flights, as long as the test had been taken within 2 days before departure for Malaysia;
** 4.1.2 后面加强解释
4.1.3 在吉隆坡国际机场的 BP 临床实验室健康筛查中心注册并支付抵达时的 COVID-19 RT-PCR 检测费用;
4.1.3 Register and make payment for their on-arrival COVID-19 RT-PCR Test at the BP Clinical Lab Health Screening Centre at Kuala Lumpur International Airport;
** 4.1.3 后面加强解释
4.1.4 为需要签证的游客取得有效签证;
4.1.4 Obtain a valid visa for visa-required visitors;
4.1.5 短期访客(包括商务和公务旅客)的 VTL 旅客必须购买往返机票和强制性旅行保险,最低保障额为 RM100,000 的 COVID-19 相关医疗和住院费用。 前往马来西亚的旅客必须随身携带其保险单的电子或实体副本,以方便他们进入马来西亚;
4.1.5 VTL travellers who are short-term visitors (including business and official travellers) must purchase a return ticket and mandatory travel insurance with a minimum coverage of RM100,000 for COVID-19-related medical treatment and hospitalisation costs. Travellers to Malaysia must carry with them an electronic or physical copy of their insurance policy to facilitate their entry into Malaysia;
** 4.1.5 后面加强解释
4.1.6 在 MySejahtera 应用程序上下载并注册他们的个人资料,以帮助追踪联系人。 与父母/法定监护人同行的12岁以下儿童可在MySejahtera应用程序中注册为父母/法定监护人的家属; 和
4.1.6 Download and register their profile on the MySejahtera app to aid contact tracing. Children aged below 12 years old who are travelling with their parents/legal guardians can be registered as dependents of the parents/legal guardians in the MySejahtera app; and
4.1.7 在樟宜机场值机时向航空公司工作人员出示:
4.1.7 Present to airline staff during check-in at Changi Airport:
(a) 有效的国家护照或国际认可的旅行证件或电子访问通行证(e-Pass),以证明旅客在前往马来西亚前的最后连续 14 天内一直留在新加坡和/或马来西亚;
(a) a valid national passport or internationally recognised travel document or Electronic Visit Pass (e-Pass) which proves that the travellers have remained in Singapore and/or Malaysia in the last 14 consecutive days before departing for Malaysia;
(b) 新加坡颁发的有效Digital可验证疫苗接种证书,或马来西亚根据 VTL 接受的任何其他有效疫苗接种证书(电子或实体副本);
(b) a valid digitally verifiable vaccination certificate issued by Singapore, or any other valid vaccination certificate (electronic or physical copy) accepted by Malaysia under the VTL;
(c) 有效的出发前48小时内的英文版 COVID-19 RT-PCR Negative检测结果证书(电子版或实体版)或 一个或多个航班的起飞前或抵达时Negative RT-PCR 测试报告也可以被接受,只要测试是在出发前往马来西亚前48小时内进行的;
(c) a valid negative pre-departure COVID-19 RT-PCR test result certificate (electronic or physical copy) in English. A pre-departure or on-arrival RT-PCR negative test result can be accepted for one or more flights, as long as the test had been taken within 2 days before departure for Malaysia;
(d) 有效签证(适用于需要签证的游客);
(d) a valid visa (for visa-required visitors);
(e) 已下载 MySejahtera 应用程序且其个人资料已在应用程序上注册的移动设备;
(e) a mobile device with the MySejahtera app already downloaded and with their profiles registered on the app;
(f) 对于短期访客(包括商务和公务旅客)的 VTL 旅客,旅行保险单的电子或实体副本,其 COVID-19 相关医疗和住院费用的最低承保范围为 100,000 令吉;和
(f) for VTL travellers who are short-term visitors (including business and official travellers), an electronic or physical copy of travel insurance policy with a minimum coverage of RM100,000 for COVID-19-related medical treatment and hospitalisation costs; and
(g) 回程机票,马来西亚公民,永久居民和长期通行证持有人除外。
(g) return ticket except for Permanent Residents of Malaysia and holders of Long-Term Passes.
5 抵达马来西亚
5 Arrival in Malaysia
5.1 机场抵港措施
5.1 On-arrival Measures at the Airport
5.1.1 VTL 旅客抵达马来西亚后,必须在吉隆坡国际机场的BP Health Lab接受 COVID-19 RT-PCR 检测。
5.1.1 Travellers under the VTL must undergo a COVID-19 RT-PCR test at the BP Clinical Lab Health Screening Centre at Kuala Lumpur International Airport upon arrival in Malaysia.
5.1.2 抵达时 COVID-19 RT-PCR 检测的结果可能会在 1-3 小时内获得。旅客将被要求在指定的等候区等候他们的结果。一旦旅行者被告知他们的 COVID-19 检测呈阴性Negative,他们就可以离开机场恢复自由活动。
5.1.2 The results of the on-arrival COVID-19 RT-PCR test will likely be available within 1-3 hours. Travellers will be required to wait at the designated waiting area for their results. Once travellers have been notified that they have tested negative for COVID-19, they can proceed to immigration.
5.1.3 在马来西亚入境时,从新加坡出发的 VTL 旅客必须向移民官出示:
5.1.3 At arrival immigration in Malaysia, VTL travellers who are travelling from Singapore must present to the immigration officer:
(a) 有效的国家护照或国际认可的旅行证件或电子访问通行证(e-Pass),以证明旅客在前往马来西亚前的最后连续 14 天内一直留在新加坡和/或马来西亚;
(a) a valid national passport or internationally recognised travel document or Electronic Visit Pass (e-Pass) which proves that the travellers have remained in Singapore and/or Malaysia in the last 14 consecutive days before departing for Malaysia;
(b) 有效签证(适用于需要签证的游客);
(b) a valid visa (for visa-required visitors);
(c) 登机牌;和
(c) boarding pass; and
(d) 回程票(短期访客或白卡旅客)包括商务和公务旅客
(d) return ticket except for Permanent Residents of Malaysia and holders of Long-Term Passes.
5.2 在马来西亚逗留期间和之后
5.2 During and After Stay in Malaysia
5.2.1 在马来西亚逗留期间,旅客必须遵守现行的公共卫生措施包括戴口罩和保持安全距离的要求。他们在马来西亚期间也必须遵守以及与他们参与的活动或访问的环境相关的任何其他安全管理措施。
5.2.1 During their stay in Malaysia, travellers must adhere to the prevailing public health measures, which include requirements on wearing of masks and safe distancing, and any other safe management measures relevant to the activities that they participate in, or settings that they visit, while in Malaysia.
5.2.2 如果短期签证旅客在马来西亚期间需要接受 COVID-19 的治疗,他们应自行承担医疗费用。
5.2.2 Travellers are responsible for their medical expenses should they require medical treatment for COVID-19 while in Malaysia.
5.2.3 为便于追踪接触者,短期访客在马来西亚期间必须始终在其移动设备上激活 MySejahtera 应用程序。
5.2.3 To facilitate contact tracing, short-term visitors must keep the MySejahtera app activated on their mobile devices at all times while in Malaysia.
5.2.4 应马来西亚卫生部的要求,如果访客在马来西亚期间检测出 COVID-19 呈阳性,则他/她必须在 MySejahtera 应用程序中提供所有数据。
5.2.4 Upon request by the Ministry of Health Malaysia, a visitor must provide all data in the MySejahtera app should he/she test positive for COVID-19 while in Malaysia.
1. 12岁及以下(根据出生日期计算)儿童可以在没有完成2019冠状病毒疫苗接种的情况下自动成为合格的VTL儿童旅客,但前提是必须在符合VTL旅客资格的旅客陪同下通过已接种疫苗旅游通道 VTL前往和入境马来西亚。
2. 我列明什么年龄段儿童自动成为合格的VTL旅客资格,切记儿童的年龄段是于日历年来计算:
- 在30-11-2021年期间入境只限;28-11-2009 至 29-11-2021出生
- 在05-01-2022年期间入境只限;03-01-2010至04-01-2022出生
- 在15-02-2022年期间入境只限;13-02-2010至14-022022出生
1. 马来西亚政府要求已接种疫苗旅游通道 Vaccinated Travel Lane VTL抵达马来西亚旅客需要在48小时内完成 2019冠状病毒拭子检测报告 COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR Swab Test Report。
2. 马来西亚是以一分一秒来计算,而且是根据诊所检测采集时间计算起。所以从检测时间到马来西亚国际机场不能超过48小时,切记不是从拿到COVID-19拭子检测报告时间开始计算。
48小时计算讲解 :
星期一早上 10am 到达诊所进行检测,那么你需要在星期三早上10am前到达马来西亚机场,那么你的报告就不会失效。
星期一 10am – 星期二 10am (24小时)
星期二 10am – 星期三 10am (24小时)
3. 马来西亚对于入境前48小时内COVID-19 拭子检测报告 PCR Swab Test Report有几点需要特别注意,任何一个错误都会导致报告不被接受:
- COVID-19拭子检测报告 PCR Swab Test Report的检测方式必须是:冠状病毒酶链式反应测试 Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR Swab Test,这个以外的任何一种COVID-19检测方式都将不被接受。
- COVID-19 拭子检测报告 PCR Swab Test Report上的「名字English Name」必须和入境旅客护照上名字是一致的
- COVID-19 拭子检测报告 PCR Swab Test Report上面必须注明入境旅客的「出生日期 Date of Birth」或「护照号码 Passport Number」其一
- 废话1句就是 COVID-19 拭子检测报告 PCR Swab Test Report上面的检验结果必须是「阴性 Negative」或「未检测到 Not Detected」才能顺利入境马来西亚
4. 其实目前新加坡很多邻里诊所 Clinic 都能进行冠状病毒聚合酶链反应测试 Covid-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Swab Test 检测服务。你可以到自家楼下诊所查询有关详情,费用介于$108 至 $300之间。
5. 建议可以的话把检测报告打印出来,方便关卡卫生部KKM工作人员查看。其实你们可以向检测诊所索取免费的 Hard Copy 打印版本。
出发前预订和支付抵达吉隆坡国际机场 KLIA 的 BP Health Lab COVID-19 RT-PCR 检测费用,预订链接:https://airport.doctor2u.my/order
Covid-19 旅游保险
只有短期访客或白卡入境旅客(包括商务和公务旅客)需要强制性购买旅游保险,而且投保金额不能低于 RM100,000 的支付马来西亚相关COVID-19 相关医疗和住院费用。前往马来西亚的旅客必须随身携带其保险单的电子或实体副本,以方便他们进入马来西亚。
这个保险资料很少我也不清楚,我只是通过朋友知道 Mr. Joe Wee Yap +65 9716 2366 可以帮忙购买相关的保险有兴趣者直接找他询问详情 或 线上表格询问 :https://www.axa.com.sg/buy/travel-insurance/#/agent/MjAwMTI=
1. 马来西亚My Sejahtera 和 新加坡TraceTogethere功能是一样的,就是让政府更好和快速辨认追踪COVID19冠状病毒确诊者信息。大伙在进入各大商场,餐厅等地方会被要求使用My Sejahtera登记进出记录,让政府更好的即时阻止冠病传播。
2. 所以你进入马来西亚时关卡工作人员会要求你使用My Sejahtera check in和登记有关入境信息。
3. Andrio下载链接 :
Apple 下载链接 :
4. 在My Sejahtera手机程序没有登记已经完成疫苗接种的旅客一样可以入境马来西亚。你们只是需要打印新加坡疫苗接种证明即可,或者使用Trace Together证明已经完成相关2019冠状病毒疫苗接种。My Sejahtera的疫苗接种证明是让你,进入各大商场或堂食时需要向店家展示有关My Sejahtera疫苗接种证明。因为使用外国打印接种疫苗证明信将不被接受。
5. 如何上载外国完成2019冠状疫苗接种证明到My Sejahtera请看以下2个方法:
没有网络的旅客不需要穷紧张,关卡是有提供售卖网络配套 Prepaid Card 和 各台充值服务 Top UP,所以你可以到了关卡根据自己所需而选择。